Written by Adam Cripps, principal at Robert E. Ellis Middle School. 

“Be here now,” whispers nature’s voice as the next wide-eyed 12-year-old embarks on an unfamiliar journey to connect to the wild while diving deep within their own inner thoughts. Emotions of excitement, nervousness, curiosity, and courage swirl as the rookie smiles at the sky and becomes new in nature. The solo hike is a pivotal experience in which change occurs and the middle school student evolves. This moment will forever be recorded in their book of transitional accomplishments.

Robert E. Ellis Middle School first visited Tremont on a multi-day field trip during the fall of 2015 with about 80 students. The following year, I transitioned to become principal and quickly heard how impactful the visit was for both students and faculty chaperones.

Principal Cripps submerging his face in the water at Spruce Flats Falls to complete the Tremont Challenge.

Principal Cripps submerging his face in the water at Spruce Flats Falls to complete the Tremont Challenge.

As the principal of a middle school, I know that finding experiences that empower students to step away from their natural impulses and emotional distractions is not easy. Tremont offers that experience. It provides students with an environment in which they can become a part of nature and realize their impact on it and life within it.

The Ellis Middle School community has a strong connection to Tremont due to the many trips we have taken. We now take the maximum number of students and chaperones (around 120) due to popularity and demand. School staff and parent partners join to expand the experiences of our students by becoming chaperones.

I have prioritized Tremont for the students, teachers, and myself as there is no other experience like it – it offers a defining moment in our lives. I continue to attend the student trips based on the deeper relationships that I can form with the students, faculty, and parents that attend. The demands of a regular school day create limits on my relationships and Tremont allows me to expand beyond these limits and become a partner in the experience.

Tremont offers our students hands-on learning opportunities that bring their curiosity to life and forces them to critically think in ways that they have not had to before. Ranging from the search for salamanders to the accomplishment of the all-day hike, students must persevere and overcome many fears to discover a love for nature and each other in it. The Tremont team of naturalists provides a safe and loving environment for students to take the necessary risks to transform beyond these fears and hesitations, to achieve the full experience and become “Tremonsters.” It is a one-of-a-kind experience that our students remember forever; they often come back as seniors to share that Tremont was their favorite memory of all of their middle school years.

A Robert E. Ellis Middle School teacher participating in salamander investigations at Tremont with the students.

Tremont isn’t just an incredible experience for the students. My first experience at Tremont was during the fall of 2016 during the fall Teacher Escape Weekend, a two-day professional development program on Tremont’s campus in the Smokies. I was immediately pulled in and the thirst for Tremont has lived within me ever since.

Now, many of our teachers request to attend the Teacher Escape Weekend, even if they are not going on the current year’s student trip. The Teacher Escape Weekend allows for the adults to reflect upon their purpose as educators, embrace outdoor learning, and gain valuable teaching strategies from the Tremont naturalists.

Mrs. Vicki Swinger is our student trip coordinator and has analyzed the trip each year to add the most impactful nightly sessions. She works to maximize the experience for our students while making sure that all students, regardless of socio-economic factors, can attend. She has played an instrumental role in the evolution of the trip and in making it happen each year. She can be reached at [email protected] for planning support.