Tremont in the Schoolyard: Schoolyard Walks

We know that teaching and learning outside can be impactful, but we also know that teachers sometimes struggle to incorporate the outdoors into their curriculum. That’s why we created Schoolyard Walks, tailored professional development in your schoolyard.

Thanks to generous funding from the Arconic Foundation, we’re offering a customized workshop for your teachers and staff in your schoolyard! We aim to help teachers find new ways to connect students and standards to nature, taking learning from four walls to no walls.

For just $150, your school receives:

  • custom-tailored professional development designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of your schoolyard
  • facilitation by Tremont’s experienced educators for up to 25 teachers and administrators
  • workshop materials and strategies that can be instantly incorporated into lesson plans

To get started, complete this quick interest form and we’ll be in touch to answer questions and schedule your Schoolyard Walk.

Schoolyard Walks are supported through funding from

Sample Schedule: