Eric Weigel Day of Kindness + Gratitude

April 29, 2022

On April 29th, the Eric Anderson Weigel Memorial Fund and Tremont Institute joined together for the inaugural Eric Weigel Day of Kindness + Gratitude. This special event served to remind everyone to invite the spirit of kindness and gratitude into their lives.

We called to action all those who knew Eric – either during his lifetime or through his story – to engage in acts of kindness and gratitude and donate to Tremont’s scholarship fund in his honor so that we can raise the next generation of kids to follow in Eric’s steps. $2,000 in donations was matched by the Eric Anderson Weigel Memorial Fund.

Eric’s Story

Eric Anderson Weigel attended summer camp at Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont when he was 15 years old. His week of hands-on learning in Walker Valley spoke to his desire to study nature, science, and the environment. Eric remained an avid outdoor enthusiast, hiking, backpacking, and camping all across the country. In May 2013 Eric, a National Merit Scholar, graduated Magna cum Laude from Furman University with a BS in chemistry and a plan to attend medical school. Tragically, he died a few weeks later in a kayaking accident on the North Fork of the Payette River near Banks, Idaho.

Eric had many passions, ambitions, and plans—he was a scholar, scientist, pianist, student of life, lover of nature, and outdoor adventurer—but at his core, he was kind and compassionate. Eric was faithful to his nightly ritual of acknowledging all he was thankful for that day. 

In his honor, his parents Larry and Jayne, and Eric’s older brother, David, set up the Eric Anderson Weigel Memorial Fund, which provides camp scholarships for children to come to Tremont Institute. In the past several years, alongside Tremont staff, they’ve come to see that these camp scholarships go beyond just incredible outdoor learning experiences—Tremont aligns with the core of who Eric was.

On April 29, his mother Jayne’s birthday, we invite you to honor his legacy by participating in Eric Weigel Day of Kindness + Gratitude. In Eric’s own words, “We all have a responsibility to help people in need, the environment and the animals.”

Double Your Impact: Up to $2,000 in donations will be matched by the Eric Anderson Weigel Memorial Fund.


How It Works

On April 29, helped us honor Eric’s legacy by focusing on kindness and gratitude. You can do these actions any time.

Pick your act of kindness.
Pick up litter as you walk around your neighborhood, give someone a heartfelt compliment, write a positive comment or review online, or lend an ear to a friend.

Document your gratitude.
Journal about how you felt before, during, and after your act of kindness, call or text a friend and tell them about your act of kindness and encourage them to perform their own, or take a few minutes in silence to reflect on acts of kindness and what they do for you, our community, and the whole world. 

Donate in honor of Eric.
We want the next generation to reflect Eric’s love of the outdoors and his compassion and kindness for the world. Make a donation to Tremont to support our mission of connecting people with nature. Up to $2,000 in donations will be matched by the Eric Anderson Weigel Memorial Fund.

Commit to a life of kindness and gratitude.
Don’t just stop after one day. Create a ripple effect to spread kindness in your community.